Real food. Real solutions.

Tag: physical activity

Understanding Your Core

Understanding Your Core

On my journey to becoming a certified personal trainer, one of the components of the learning process that fascinated me was the importance of core strength and stability. Whether it was learning to do a basic squat, standing in a static position, or going for…

Managing Constipation

Managing Constipation

Poop! Many people find this topic uncomfortable but for Dietitians it can be a daily topic in the workplace. Why, you might ask!? Poop, or stool as we call it in the medical community, is a direct reflection of the health and integrity of the…

Macronutrients- Do We Need To Count Them?

Macronutrients- Do We Need To Count Them?

I don’t know about you but the thought of having to track “macros” makes me cringe a little, and this is coming from a dietitian. Most of my education and training was based around tracking and calculations. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good…

I Don’t Dig Exercise

Yeah, that’s right. Dietitians are humans too. We like pizza (preferably paired with beer and football), ice cream, and Netflix just like the rest of you and some of us really don’t dig exercise. Yup, I said it. I don’t dig exercise. I absolutely hate…

5 Healthy Ways to Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Intern Karlee is back! Happy October everyone! October means it’s officially autumn, and finally acceptable to be #basic and do all things fall. Apple picking, pumping carving, and warm crockpot dinners are all things that come to my mind when this season arrives. However, October…

Pearl’s Half Marathon!

What up y’all?! Last weekend I crushed out my second half marathon which was a big accomplishment for me for a few reasons. First, it’s running 13.1 miles I mean who does that for fun?? Second, because on April 1st, 2012 I was hit by…