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Tag: physical activity

Menopause & Activity

Menopause & Activity

As a certified personal trainer, one of the most common questions I get is: what type of exercise is right for me? This is a question that is so individual for each person. Especially as health changes through the life cycle – our body changes…

Immune Boosting During Cold & Flu Season

Immune Boosting During Cold & Flu Season

Tis the season – for colds, Covid and the flu! All joking aside, as we enter into the long-anticipated holiday season we must accept the probability that we may at some point feel under the weather. Luckily, acknowledging this allows us to preemptively continue or…

Collagen & Protein Powder

Collagen & Protein Powder

If you’re on social media you have probably seen at least one post or influencer talking about their newest protein powder or collagen supplement. Protein is one of the three macronutrients that our body needs daily and most of us know it for its aid…

Calories In, Calories Out?

Calories In, Calories Out?

I am going to make the assumption that everyone reading this post at some point has been told that calories in food matter. You’ve likely heard they matter so much we should be tracking them daily. Heck, the font size for calories on food labels…

Natural Movement

Natural Movement

*Please note- for readers struggling with disordered eating and/or compulsive exercise: this article may not apply to you and may negatively impact your recovery. Proceed with caution.* Get moving! That’s probably something that you’ve heard before, maybe your watch is buzzing telling you to get…

Lasting New Year’s Resolutions

Lasting New Year’s Resolutions

As we approach the start of another new year, it is normal to feel a little burnt out from all of the holiday festivities and lack of routine that tends to coincide. Heck, we have also been navigating life in a pandemic for the past…