Real food. Real solutions.


Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones & Intestinal Bacteria

Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones & Intestinal Bacteria

Okay, so ya’ll know I’m obsessed with gut bugs and I’m sure you’re thinking… kidney stones and intestinal bacteria, really Pearl? How you gonna connect this one? And to that I say- WATCH ME. I hope you’re ready to get your nerd on today. We…

Natural Movement

Natural Movement

*Please note- for readers struggling with disordered eating and/or compulsive exercise: this article may not apply to you and may negatively impact your recovery. Proceed with caution.* Get moving! That’s probably something that you’ve heard before, maybe your watch is buzzing telling you to get…

Weddings Without Weight Loss

Weddings Without Weight Loss

We are not quite to wedding season yet but being an almost bride myself, I know there are likely a lot of ladies out there thinking about upcoming weddings. Whether you are planning your wedding, preparing to be a bridesmaid or simply attending a wedding,…

Spices & Herbs 101

Spices & Herbs 101

Whether you’re relatively new when it comes to being in the kitchen or you feel fairly confident in your cooking abilities, learning how to use spices and herbs can be really helpful for increasing the satisfaction factor with meals by adding to or enhancing the…

Is Fruit Too High In Sugar?

Is Fruit Too High In Sugar?

We’re often told to eat our fruits and vegetables but also to avoid sugars. So, if fruits have sugars, should we really be eating more of them?! This is a great question and one that often comes up in our dietetic offices. A lot of…

New Year, Same You

New Year, Same You

It’s that time of the year again. The temperatures are dropping, the holiday lights are up, and diet talk is everywhere. Promises of “new year, new you!” and internal negotiations to have or not have the holiday cookies your family made. The holiday’s are already…