Real food. Real solutions.


Collagen & Protein Powder

Collagen & Protein Powder

If you’re on social media you have probably seen at least one post or influencer talking about their newest protein powder or collagen supplement. Protein is one of the three macronutrients that our body needs daily and most of us know it for its aid…

Fun With Fall Foods

Fun With Fall Foods

Happy Fall ya’ll! Yes, I admit it, I absolutely LOVE Fall. It’s the perfect season in my opinion. The cooler days, warmer colors, football season, crunchy leaves, crisp air, pumpkin/apple/gingerbread flavored everything – you really can’t go wrong.  Eating seasonal foods that sound good to…

Calories In, Calories Out?

Calories In, Calories Out?

I am going to make the assumption that everyone reading this post at some point has been told that calories in food matter. You’ve likely heard they matter so much we should be tracking them daily. Heck, the font size for calories on food labels…

Cholesterol + Fiber

Cholesterol + Fiber

It happened – the results of your bloodwork came back and you’ve been told you have high cholesterol. While your first inclination may be to lower or eliminate foods in the diet that contain cholesterol – recent research shows this may have minimal to no…

Fun with Food in Rochester NY

Fun with Food in Rochester NY

Clients often ask “what is normal eating?”, which is a very nuanced and individualized answer. However, we love the below explanation which comes from the Ellyn Satter Institute:   While it may not be explicitly listed in the above list, the idea of “eating until…

Malnutrition & The Brain

Malnutrition & The Brain

When Marie’s time working at a residential treatment facility for eating disorders, we had a resident that reported significant brain fog and constipation. She shared that she had eliminated a number of food items from her diet. Each time she eliminated something she felt better…