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Tag: health

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

When you go to the doctors office, one of the first measurements they check is a height and weight. With that information the provider then calculates your body mass index, also known as your BMI. This is a number that is talked about in medical…

What is Health at Every Size®?

What is Health at Every Size®?

The name Health at Every Size®, also known as HAES®, seems to throw a lot of people off. Many people falsely believe this is an argument that all people in all bodies are healthy which is a hard concept to wrap one’s head around when…

Macronutrients- Do We Need To Count Them?

Macronutrients- Do We Need To Count Them?

I don’t know about you but the thought of having to track “macros” makes me cringe a little, and this is coming from a dietitian. Most of my education and training was based around tracking and calculations. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good…

Celiac Disease 101

Celiac Disease 101

So you’ve been diagnosed with celiac disease… now what?  Facing a new diagnosis, a new style of eating and a major lifestyle change can be intimidating. The fact that there is a lot of misinformation circulating in society doesn’t make it any easier. Luckily, I…

How To Drink More Water

How To Drink More Water

  It’s pretty rare that I have someone coming to me with significant dehydration due to a dislike for water. We humans are generally pretty good at keeping ourselves alive and our bodies are incredible at compensating when the conscious brain gets in the way…

9 Health Goals For 2018 That Have Nothing To Do With Restriction

9 Health Goals For 2018 That Have Nothing To Do With Restriction

Hi friends! I know it’s been a long time since I have been posting regularly but after my long hiatus I am BACK and ready to throw more nutrition nerdiness, recipes, and lifestyle tips your way! Here’s to hoping someone in addition to mama Biebs…