Real food. Real solutions.

Savory Oatmeal with Veggies & Cheese

savory oats 2So recently I (Pearl) have gotten myself into the trap of not eating enough carbs. Typically this isn’t a problem and we are usually encouraging you to eat less carbs but I realized recently I have been eating less than 50 g per day which isn’t right for me and doesn’t make me feel best. Remember, everyone’s body is different so you have to figure out what works for you. Wondering how to do that? Check out episode 3 of Nutrition Genius Radio (when we were just podcast babies!) All The Carbs. If you’re finding yourself needing to increase your carb intake or are looking for a post-workout higher carb meal this Savory Oatmeal may be for you!I

Don’t forget about what we discussed on the Chocolate Almond No Bake Cookie post. While oats are gluten free they are typically processed in a place which also processes wheat-containing foods and may be cross contaminated. It is important for those suffering from Celiac Disease to purchase oats which are certified gluten free. Still, oats may not be safe as a protein in them, avenin, can be a cross-reactor of gluten. Use caution!