Real food. Real solutions.

Tag: nutrition

What is Satisfaction?

What is Satisfaction?

Have you ever felt full after eating but not satisfied? If you’ve ever been able to acknowledge your fullness and still continue eating anyway you may have experienced this. Without satisfaction it is hard to turn off the drive to eat.  Think of fullness as…

Managing Constipation

Managing Constipation

Poop! Many people find this topic uncomfortable but for Dietitians it can be a daily topic in the workplace. Why, you might ask!? Poop, or stool as we call it in the medical community, is a direct reflection of the health and integrity of the…

The Underfueled Athlete

The Underfueled Athlete

As a former female athlete, I am passionate about conversations around athletic performance, nutrition, self-care and body image. Here at Pearls of Nutrition we love speaking with athletic teams and encourage coaches, trainers, and parents to include a Registered Dietitian that specializes in athletics and…

Nutrition & Menstruation

Nutrition & Menstruation

A very common theme that I hear from clients who menstruate is “that time of the month” can present many unique challenges, especially when following a meal plan and/or working to listen to hunger and fullness signals (if you need a refresher on hunger and…

Macronutrients- Do We Need To Count Them?

Macronutrients- Do We Need To Count Them?

I don’t know about you but the thought of having to track “macros” makes me cringe a little, and this is coming from a dietitian. Most of my education and training was based around tracking and calculations. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good…

In a Food Rut? Try Lateral Changes

In a Food Rut? Try Lateral Changes

So you’re standing in the grocery aisle or in front of your refrigerator and nothing sounds good. Perhaps your kitchen is even fully stocked and still nothing is jumping out at you. You may only frequent the typical aisles in the store to pick up…