Real food. Real solutions.


Do you need to restrict salt?

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommend everyone lower their sodium intake to 1500 mg [1]. The USDA recommends 2300 mg for the general population and 1500 mg for individuals with hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and those 51 years and older. Oh,…

The Nutrition Post That Wasn’t

I’m going to be completely honest I don’t have my shit together right now. I am frazzled. I feel like Sheldon Cooper when he says “I am a man of science, not someone’s snuggle bunny!” I am a woman of science and if I have to…

Pumpkin Season!

There are always going to be bad days on the job. No matter how much you love it or how wonderful and stress free it may be 99% of the time there is still going to be that one day where you just want to…

Low Carb Livin’

Today we are going to talk about fat. Not the unflattering kind but the delicious kind. It is perfectly healthy to eat fat. Stop being afraid of it. Chicken shit. In fact, as long as you are following the fat rules we talked about here I…


I owe you guys yet another thank you. I absolutely LOVE the interactions I get with people after I write a new post, it makes me so happy to know how many people are actually reading. So thank you and keep it up. I have…

Adios, New York

I am finally all settled in here in West Virginia! I slept on the floor the first night and a strangers couch the second but I haven’t become the inspiration for a Law and Order SVU episode yet so no worries. I had all of…