Real food. Real solutions.


Support & the New Year

So since I look like a complete freak show I’ve confined myself to my parents living room and have been watching episodes of this show called Extreme Weight Loss. I saw something on the episodes that absolutely broke my heart and I wanted to bring…

Juice… good for you or no better than soda?

I owe you guys yet another apology. I’m sorry I’m a couple days late with this post. My wisdom teeth surgery got bumped up to Wednesday and I’ve had some complications in the form or a ping pong ball sized collection of blood on my…


Am I really excited or do I want to talk about VITAMIN E?! Both my pretties, both. And in case you were wondering, that totally-professional-looking-vitamin-E-superhero photo you see was, actually, made by yours truly. In Paint. Because computer illiterate/not a mac user individuals such as…

Vitamin D

I decided I’m going to teach you guys all about vitamins and minerals. Why? Well, what better way to encourage you to eat them than by teaching you about why you need them? Also, I want you to be able to drop knowledge bombs at family get…

Should You Eat Grass Fed?

SO excited because I picked up a share of a grass fed cow today! Yes. Two skinny little dietitians to be have THAT in their freezer. We don’t mess around with our meat. Also, it’s healthy and I will fight anyone…


I have been SUCH a slacker in the kitchen lately. For real. Luckily soup is my specialty and I make so much that I can freeze it in individual containers and pull it out throughout the week. My meals have been nothing but veggies and…