Real food. Real solutions.

Turmeric in your Tummy

Hola amigos! Inflammation is the dreaded cause of chronic diseases which we are all trying to avoid. Eating real foods and especially incorporating herbs and spices into your dishes can significantly help in reducing inflammation in your body. Turmeric is one of those really cool “superfoods” that can reduce the crap out of your inflammation. A quick Google Scholar search of “turmeric inflammation” produced over 15,000 hits and some of that research dates back a loooong way so at least this is one piece of nutrition information that hasn’t changed over time. Turmeric is most commonly used to make curry and is what gives mustard its characteristic orange flavor.  

Ain’t she purty? You should definitely hit this stuff up AT LEAST once per week. Ain’t nobody got time for chronic disease. Traditional Chinese and Indian medicines utilize turmeric as an herbal medicine for anything from cancer to menstrual irregularities to arthritis to digestive disorders and seriously just about everything in between. I’m not kidding. This list is redonkulous. Good for your liver, kidneys, heart, and gut AND works as an antioxidant. Do you see why I love nutrition so much? There is not one synthetic drug on the market that could do all that. And taking one drug will give you at least five more side effect. Just eat real food. It even has antibacterial properties! Oh my heavens this stuff is the bees knees! The most obvious place to use turmeric is in curry, which is delicious. Red curry is my favorite. Google it. Make it. Love it. Most people have this weird perception of what curry is and then when they actually try it are amazed. You can also try these recipes-

Chicken Tikki Masala (Use olive, not canola oil)
Summery Vegetable Salad
Rice Pilaf (You can use bone broth AND turmeric here!!)
Homemade Onion Soup Mix
Turmeric Grilled Chicken

Mkay pumpkins this has been a long week and this dietetic intern/slave needs herself, well, a pumpkin martini. At least it’s orange, right? Don’t judge me.