Real food. Real solutions.


Whattupppppppp punks?! Since you all suck at participation I’m making you learn about something today, deal with it. Iron. And not the kind that tricks do. Nor the kind ya’ll should be pumping at the gym. I’m talking about the kind in your food (duh).

Iron is a mineral that plays an especially important role in our bodies. It is a component of hemoglobin, a molecule which carries oxygen to our tissues and transports carbon dioxide away. A lack of iron can cause iron-deficiency anemia which impairs oxygen transportation and can lower aerobic capacity. What the hell does that mean? It means your tissues don’t get enough air. Remember what it felt like when your older brother held your head under the water when you were swimming and you thought you were going to die? That only happened to me? Okay well you can imagine my suffering. But that’s what all your cells feel like when your are iron deficient. And if you can forget about pumping iron if you’re anemic, cause you’re way more susceptible to fatigue. And your muscles will tell you F that business, I got too much CO2 up in hurrr. 

The primary loss of iron is through bleeding, making dietary iron consumption even more important for women. I know it’s gross, i’m sorry I mentioned it but I gotta. You just can’t trust something that bleeds for 7 days and doesn’t die. Wait, you’re trusting me for nutrition advice. Just kidding, you can trust me. Moving on. Biddies need about 18 mg of iron per day and bros need to hit 8. Keep in mind that iron comes in two forms, heme iron, found only in animal sources, and nonheme iron, which comes from plant and animal sources. Heme iron is better absorbed in the body so if you are a vegetarian you’re wrong (just kidding) (sorta) (how do you live without bacon?!) you may need to consume more than 18 mg. 

Good sources of iron include liver (I’m not going to stop telling you to eat it), beef, chicken, pork, salmon, pumpkin seeds, spinach, kidney and lima beans, eggs, and raisins. Vitamin C increases iron absorption so by adding foods such as bell peppers, citrus fruits, dark leafy greens, and broccoli to iron-containing meals you can maximize your iron absorption. You’ll note I left out the enriched grains and grain products in this though they are high in iron. This is because that shit is toxic and if you eat it you’ll DIE. Just kidding but its no bueno and that iron is synthesized. 

Okay I’m busy gotta go love you byeeeeee