Real food. Real solutions.

Adios, New York

I am finally all settled in here in West Virginia! I slept on the floor the first night and a strangers couch the second but I haven’t become the inspiration for a Law and Order SVU episode yet so no worries. I had all of my stuff shipped here so I didn’t have to worry about driving a moving truck which worked out great thanks to ReloCube®. Naturally the only casualty of the move was my absolute favorite possession, a boomerang I got in Australia. 
I was really upset to find it but at least I can glue it back together so I guess it could be worse. Other than that Kayda and I survived without a problem. My apartment is beautiful, there are two huge fields right next to us for my nugget to chase grasshoppers in (there are seriously bajillions of them here and she cannot figure them out), and everyone is super nice. I really lucked out with my roommate who, just like me, likes wine and thinks vegetable oils are the devil. Best of all food is ridiculously cheap compared to NY, produce tastes fresher, and this city comes to a stop for football. So thank you all for the well wishes, calls, and texts over the past couple days but I am going to be just fine here. And speaking of thank yous, I owe a lot of people a huge one. I have accrued a stupid number of debts over the three years I have spent in Albany and ironically those to Sallie Mae are the only ones I have the confidence in my ability to repay. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the support I have received in this new path I have taken. I actually had this whole post planned out where each of you got your own special paragraph about how cool you are but then I sobered up and realized I’m not nearly sentimental or emotional enough to do that. Plus, it is too exhausting to come up with 5,686 witty one line sentences which are essentially all expressing my eternal gratitude. And gosh, I hate not being witty all the time. So instead, some honorable mentions-

The entire Bieber/Jones/Jefferies family- I would be living in a cardboard box under a freeway bridge eating cans of spam and not even having the social skills to share my “meat” cans with my fellow homeless compadres if it wasn’t for you. Thank you. 

Bridget, Suz, Ryan, LA, Kath, JJ, MK, Casey, Lauren, Bianca, all of 18 & Co, Bryan, Joey G, Pearl, Ethan, Cody, Emily, Vanessa, and the Weeks and Urband families. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your never ending support and making my last two weeks in New York painfully exhausting but in a good way. I love you and appreciate everything you have done for me way down into my guts.

Okay, that’s about all the emotion I have in me. And since this is actually a nutrition blog and not just a space for me to display my emotional throw up I feel obligated to give you a few entirely unrelated nutrition facts/pieces of advice so you didn’t just waste ten minutes of your life reading something sappy.

1. Use spaghetti squash instead of pasta. It is delicious and way better for you. Especially when you put bolognese sauce over it. Try this recipe.

2. Use the weekend to brainstorm a goal for next week. Go grain-free for a day (or 7), up your normal intake of vegetables, or spend an extra day at home cooking than you normally would. You don’t have to change all at once. You can do this. Merriam-Webster defines habit as “a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance.” Just keep doing it week after week and soon it wont be a goal, it will be your lifestyle and you can move on to the next goal.

3. Recognize that just because something says “free range” or “cage free” does NOT mean that it grazed exclusively on the land. Your meat should be hormone and antibiotic free and pasture raised, not grain fed. Your eggs and dairy should come from animals who grazed on the land as well.

4. Eat weird shit. Like liver. It’s not really weird and it is absurdly good for you. In fact, pretty soon you will be receiving an entire post about how good liver is for you. Try this liver and onions recipe or this liver chili recipe. If the idea of liver really freaks you out that much take it slow. Add a couple cubes of liver to your beef stir fry. Or buy liver and stick it in a food processor or blender. When your meat is the consistency of ground beef put it in ice cube trays and freeze. Next time you are cooking up ground beef add 3 or 6 or 10 cubes of liver. All the benefits and none of the Mr. Yuk faces. 

5. Petting dogs lowers your blood pressure. And looking at pictures of puppies. And laughing. Have fun this weekend!
